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Mr. Heartbreaker : Mr. Series #2 Page 8
Mr. Heartbreaker : Mr. Series #2 Read online
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“Anything that has to do with me is information you have a right to. If you want to know ask.” He released my hand and started the truck up, just as the men waved goodbye to us before hopping into the loaded semi and driving down the driveway.
“Thank you for taking me in, Jackson,” I thanked him once more, feeling more grateful now than I ever had before.
“No, it’s me who is thankful, sweetheart. You’ve brought me happiness I thought I would never find. I’m indebted to you for the rest of my life, babe, and I have no problem worshipping you the way you should be worshiped.” I turned, watching him drive us down the driveway. Our driveway.
He was mine, and I was his, and whatever fear I had about us not making it and Roger ruining us, was nothing compared to the fear I had about losing him.
I couldn’t lose him. I wouldn’t lose him.
I would destroy Roger before I let him try and take away the one thing that finally made me whole again. We pulled out onto the main road and in the direction of what I assumed to be town.
“I love you, Lola, and nothing’s ever going to change that okay?” Jackson’s eyes darted from the road to me a few times.
“I believe you. I just don’t want you to get hurt because of me.” That statement resonated through me, and deep into the pit of my stomach. If anything ever happened to Jackson because of me, I didn’t know what I would do.
“You can’t hurt a lumberjack, darlin’. We’re the strongest and toughest sons of bitches in the mountains. Ain’t nobody going to get the upper hand on me, so stop your worrying before I take ya across my knee and spank the nonsense out of ya.” That made me smile.
“Spankin? You’re going to spank me?” I raised an eyebrow, feeling much better with the direction this conversation was going.
“Yes, darlin’. I’ll spank you till your ass cheeks are ruby red and you can’t sit on them for a week,” he threatened, but his eyes glittered with amusement, giving him away.
“I’m sure you will, Mr. Lumberjack. What you don’t know is, I’ll probably like it,” I teased, knowing that he couldn’t do anything about getting a hard cock. Not if he wanted to get back before sundown.
He licked his lips. “Don’t tease me, baby. I’ll be forced to pull this truck over and take you right here, right now. I ain’t afraid of anyone seeing us.” A giggle escaped my throat at his threat of pleasure.
“Oh, shut up and keep driving. We got stuff we need to do and we can always fuck when get home.” I gripped his hand in mine.
“Say it again,” he whispered.
“Say what again?” I blinked.
“Fuck. I want to hear that sweet mouth of yours say that dirty word again.” I could tell he was horny just from looking at him. His mouth was nearly watering.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I did as he asked. “And if you’re good and we get all our stuff done, then I’ll let you FUCK me.” I leaned into him, biting the bottom of his ear lobe as I spoke. He swerved on the road, and I laughed harder imagining the blue balls he had right now.
“You’re so getting punished later, darlin’… You hear me? Punished,” he growled like an animal.
“I look forward to it,” I countered, watching the scenery as it slipped by us. Jackson could own me in whatever way he wanted to, my heart already belonged to him.
Chapter Seven
The trip was as uneventful as I expected it to be. We got groceries for the month and picked out clothing for Lola to wear, even though I assured her she had no reason to wear clothes around me. She just laughed at my comment and put her items in the cart. I never expected shopping with a woman, or for a woman, to be something that I would enjoy, but Lola seemed to surprise me at every turn.
It wasn’t until we got home and started unloading everything that I realized she had bought a pregnancy test. I eyed the box, knowing what it was for, but feeling astonished that she hadn’t talked to be about it. Was she afraid?
“It’s been years since I had McDonald’s and I can’t…” she trailed off on whatever it was she was going to say as soon as she noticed the pregnancy test in my hands. I didn’t look at her with anger or rage, or even betrayal, I just looked at her like, Please tell me what’s going on.
“You know you have no reason to be afraid of me. If you’re pregnant, then I’m honored to be a father. I love you and I’ll love any child that we create together.” I would get down on my knees and kiss her feet if I had to, just to show her how much she meant to me.
“Oh no, Jackson.” She rushed across the room, her arms wrapping around my large frame as tightly as possible.
“I swear to you, Lola, I will protect you. I will take care of you. I’m not that sleazebag Roger. I will cherish you. Do you hear me?” I squeezed my eyes closed in frustration. I was elated to possibly be a father, but hated that Roger still had his claws deep inside Lola. He played on her fear and I wasn’t going to let him do that shit any longer.
“I hear you, and I know you aren’t him. I got the test because I’ve missed my period. It’s probably nothing but stress, but we have had unprotected sex and I just want to check.” I wouldn’t lie and say a little bit of sadness filled my chest. I wanted a baby with Lola, and I didn’t care if it happened today, tomorrow, or a year from now. Still, if she could be pregnant right now I would be fucking ecstatic.
“I’m ready to be a daddy, Lola. I don’t care what anyone says or thinks. All that matters is that were happy right?” I wanted to make sure she knew that. That as long as we had love, and each other, that we had everything.
“You’re ready?” She seemed shocked, as if she didn’t expect me to say such a thing to her.
“More than ready…” I nodded my head up and down. “If I had it my way, I’d fuck you into submission, planting my seed deep inside of you every single night until you were pregnant.” I didn’t want to scare her, but I was serious about wanting a family with her.
“You want that with me? A family?” I was surprised with the tone of her voice and the fact that she expected me to not want all these things with her, even when I told her I loved her.
“I want whatever you want, Lola. If you want a family, I want it. If you want to get married, I want it. Whatever you want, I will give you.” I placed the test on the counter in front of me and wrapped my arms around Lola. Why couldn’t she comprehend how much she meant to me?
“I….” Tears formed in her eyes. “I want all those things, Jackson. Kids. A wedding. I want it.” Her voice cracked, and so did my heart. It ached for her, because I knew she didn’t have any support system. All she had was me.
“Then whenever you’re ready for me to plant a baby inside of you, I will. If you want to get married we will. I’ll call someone out here to marry us right now.” She smiled through the tears and stood on her tippy toes pressing a kiss to my lips, or at least trying to. The need to be close to her was raw, and burned through my veins. I lifted her up, placing her ass against the edge of the counter. She flicked the button on my jeans and pushed them down in frenzy.
She wanted this just as much as I did. With little effort I lifted her dress, and impaled her in one motion with my steel hard cock. Her nails sunk into my chest, and air filled my lungs. We didn’t have to speak words to understand what we were trying to say to each other.
“I want you to plant that seed of love, Jackson. I want to feel you in my veins. I want to watch as a child we made from love grows inside of me,” she whispered into my ear, while holding onto my neck. She was sitting on my cock instead of the counter now, and I had to restrain myself from pulling out of her and slamming back into her tight hole.
“Are you sure, darlin’?” I growled, on the verge of losing control of my body. My cock wanted her, and my body begged me to unleash the beast on her.
“More than sure,” she moaned, just as I pulled all the way out of her, lifting her hips and slamming her back down on my cock. She held on for dear life as I lifted her over and over ag
ain, while thrusting upwards. My toes curled and my belly flipped and flopped with every slip inside of her.
This was my home. Deep inside of her pussy was where I belonged, and I never wanted to leave. She moaned and threw her head back, giving me access to her throat and chest. I pressed my lips to her throbbing pulse and sighed as I gave her every single ounce of love I had.
“Jackson…” My name falling from her lips was enough to nearly make me cum, but I held off, wanting to feel Lola squeeze tightly around me. One minute later she was falling apart, her body squeezing me so tightly I nearly couldn’t move. I paused for a moment and the pushed her orgasm to the brink, mixing pain with pleasure until my hands were digging into her hips hard enough to bruise her and my body was shaking.
“I’m cumming…” I growled, my seed spilling deep inside her womb. I held her tightly against my chest as I leaned against the counter behind me, my body threatening to fall to the ground if I didn’t. Being with Lola made me weak in the knees. She consumed me and exposed the rawest parts of who I was.
I was a better man because of her, but I was also weaker because she made me that way. I loved her, and she was my weakness, my downfall, and I would do whatever I could to protect us both from any type of pain life could throw at us.
“Will it ever get old?” she asked, her head against my chest as she listened to the erratic beat of my heart.
“This? Us? Or the sex?” I ran my fingers through her hair.
“Any of it… Every time we have sex it feels like the first time. Being with you feels like nothing I’ve ever felt before….” I felt like there was a, but meant to be somewhere in that sentence, but she stopped talking.
“It’s the same for me, sweetheart. I’ve waited what seems like forever for someone like you to show up here and make me weak in the knees with love, and you do just that.” We stayed like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, refusing to let go of the warmth we had cocooned one another in.
When I finally lowered Lola to the wooden floor below, my body protested, begging me to pluck her back up in my arms and run to our bedroom and close the entire world out.
I couldn’t though, we had shit to do, and I had an entire lifetime to please her. I needed to finish bringing shit in and Lola needed to piss on that stick.
“You’ve distracted me once again, woman,” I laughed, buttoning my jeans and eyeing her as she batted her eyelashes innocently.
“Really? I was simply going about my day and, bam, your penis came out and I couldn’t help but swallow it up with my muffin,” she joked, causing both of us to burst out in laughter. It had been a very long time since I had laughed so hard.
“Okay, little lady, let’s get to putting this stuff away,” I mumbled, making my way back outside to the truck to unload the rest of our stuff. My feet had just crossed the threshold of the front door, when headlights appeared from the road.
Acid filled my throat and worry ate away at my insides. That warm, happy feeling that Lola had just given me disappeared, and in its place vengeance appeared.
“Someone is here…” I warned Lola, who came up behind me, her hand on my arm as if to ground me to her.
“It’s him.” Her voice wobbled and I knew exactly who she was referring too. Roger had showed his face one too many times here, and I had better things to do than worry about when he was going to show up. This had to end, and it had to end now.
“Get me my gun. It’s under the floorboard by the couch,” I ordered Lola, never taking my eyes off the driveway. There were two cars this time, his piece of shit Mustang and a SUV looking thing.
“Here,” Lola handed me the loaded handgun and I slipped it into the back of my jeans under my flannel shirt, keeping it hidden until the moment I would need it.
“He’s brought people, his crew, with him.” My eyes darted to Lola’s and then back out to the driveway where they were all parked. They knew she was here, there was no point in hiding it.
“Good, I’m glad he brought some friends with him, he’ll need them to help him pick his face up off the ground when I beat it into the dirt.” My patience for bullshit had snapped. All I wanted was my happily ever after with Lola, and these rejects kept trying to ruin it.
I stepped outside the door and onto the porch, Lola’s arms holding me in place. I stared down at her for a second before realizing what it was she was doing.
“You can’t protect someone who don’t need protecting, baby. I got this and I’ll beat the fuck out of the little prick for hurting you.” I had no problem kicking his ass. In fact, I would be honored to.
“Come out, come out wherever you are…” His voice met my ears, the acid in my throat rising as it burned a path to my mouth.
“She ain’t yours no more,” I hollered, shrugging out of Lola’s hold. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I wasn’t going to let this fuckhead keep messing with us. She was mine, and I was going to prove that to him right now.
“Dude, I know she’s here, and I can’t stress enough how important it is that you give her back to me.” He smirked at his buddy over his shoulder like they had some funny joke that only they knew.
“She ain’t going anywhere with you.” I walked down the driveway and directly towards him. He seemed a bit shocked at what I had said, and shook his head in anger.
“I don’t think you understand how this works, asswipe. She’s my girlfriend and, therefore, she belongs to me.” If that didn’t make me livid, I wasn’t sure what would. The fuckhead was dumber than I thought.
“She belongs to no one but herself, and when you decided to ditch her on the side of the road, you kind of broke whatever relationship you thought you had with her, fuckhead,” I snarled, showing my teeth.
Roger didn’t seem to be intimidated, and that was fine. I wasn’t trying to intimidate him. I was simply showing him that this wasn’t a pissing contest. Lola was mine and he wouldn’t be taking her back wherever it was that he came from.
“You don’t know what you’re asking for, asshole,” his buddy sneered. What he didn’t know was that I was more than ready to defend my woman, and I was more than ready to rid the world of men that were worthless pieces of shit.
“I think it’s ya’ll that are unaware of you’re asking for. Lola ain’t going anywhere. She’s mine and if you got a problem with it, then you can take it up with me.” I reached for the gun in my jeans, my finger skimming across the cold metal.
“Yours…?” Roger laughed while hiding behind his car door. “She’s done fucked my entire crew, dude. Who knows what you got?” He continued to laugh and I continued to grow angrier with his stupid ass.
“You don’t know what you had, and that’s fine because she belongs to me now. Either way, you’re leaving my property and you ain’t leaving with her.” I cocked my gun, ready to shoot if need be. I had no fears of going to jail, if you showed up on my property uninvited and refused to leave, you can bet your ass a bullet would be flying at you.
“What you going to do?” Fuckhead must’ve grown a dick, because he moved away from his car and closer to me. “Shoot me?” He tilted his head, taunting me. Did he think I was joking?
“Actually yeah…” I shrugged, lifting the gun and firing a shot into the air above my head. Everyone, including fuckhead, jumped out of their skin scurrying back to their piece of shit cars. I wasn’t afraid of him, or his crew, and I wasn’t going to go running back to my cabin because he showed up here thinking that he could rule the roost.
“He’s fucking crazy, man…” his friend announced, and he had no fucking clue. When it came to Lola the kind of crazy I could become was endless.
“Get the fuck off my property and never… I mean never, show up here again. She ain’t yours, and after the way you hurt her, I doubt she will ever want to see your face again…” I pointed the barrel of the gun at him. “And never show your face here again, because I can guarantee you next time you’ll be taking a bullet to the body.”
I knew I didn’t h
ave to get physical with Roger for him to see how precious Lola was to me and how very fucking serious I was about putting a bullet in him. He eyed me uneasily before slipping into his car.
“You can have her slutty ass anyway… She was a shit lay,” he hollered from the driver’s side window, squealing his tires as he turned around and drove down the driveway. Relief flooded my veins as I watched the assholes drive away and off my property. I turned on my heels to head back to the house, but was nearly knocked off my feet by a small woman who suddenly because a football player.
“I could kiss you a million times. I could drop to my knees and bow to you every single day. You have no idea how much this means to me.” Tears were streaming down her cheeks, staining her beautiful creamy skin. I couldn’t do anything but smile as I swiped away the tears, knowing that now we really did have forever. With Roger gone, and hopefully never returning, there was no time limit for us. There was no more worrying. Lola didn’t have to fear anything anymore.
“I want you to do one thing…” I cradled her sweet face in my hands, after slipping the gun back into my pants.
“I’ll do it,” she offered, without even knowing what it was that I was going to ask her. I smiled because she was so sweet, innocent, and as beautiful on the inside as she was on the out.
“One thing, Lola, that’s all. You have to get in touch with your parents and tell them that you’re done with Roger, and that you’ve moved on and are different person now. I want you to make the effort to talk to them again. I want you to try, and if you put the effort in and they refuse, then at least you can say is you tried… okay?”
The tears kept coming, and I understood the meaning behind them. She was closing a chapter of her life, a chapter that she had feared for years, and I was now giving her the chance to reconcile her relationship with her parents. Something I knew she wouldn’t have done without me by her side.
“I miss them, Jackson. I miss them so much,” she cried into my chest, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. I was going to make her whole again, no matter the cost.