Bossy (An Office Romance #1) Read online

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  “What are you going to do?” I questioned, my own excitement lacing through my words. I enjoyed being at this woman’s mercy.

  She smiled up at me, "Let the entire office know that you're as much affected by me as much as I am you." The challenge behind her words resonated within me. I gritted my teeth and smiled at her. Sadie was so much more than I ever fucking expected.

  Her tongue slid over the head of my cock, where she lapped up the pre-cum that lingered against it. She teased me with small licks and bites along the shaft until she cupped my balls in her hand, and took me all the way into her mouth.

  "Fuck…" The words escaped me, coming out in a hiss. Every bob of her head and the flick of her tongue made me want to slam her against the table and have my way with her.

  The pressure was building deep in my balls, as Sadie racked her fingers up and down over the sensitive sack. I resisted the urge to weave my fingers through her hair and up the pace because I wanted this to be all Sadie.

  “Fuck yes… Fuck yes…” I encouraged her, letting her know that she was sucking my cock perfectly. Her beautiful green eyes begged for approval as she took me all the way to the hilt her tongue swirling around the tip as she bobbed up and down. It was when she started to suck that everything in this world fell to black. The only thing I could see, and feel was Sadie.

  She released my cock with a loud pop and then took me back into her mouth with ease. This time, she sucked harder, her nails digging into my ball sack. Pleasure pooled in my belly, and my toes fucking curled in my shoes as I pumped in and out of her mouth, my resolve breaking.

  I could feel the warmth of her mouth around me and see the finish line ahead. "God Damn…" I growled, pulling her hair harsher than intended as I exploded into the back of her throat. I looked down at her with gratitude as she swallowed every last drop of my come. I knew she would be amazing I just failed to realize how fucking amazing.

  “Sir…” My assistant Dawn’s voice filtered into the room, as a soft knock sounded against the door.

  “Yes.” I questioned, my eyes never leaving Sadie’s as she stood hastily, pulling her skirt on in record timing. I could see the fear in her eyes, the thought of being discovered by her co-workers, my workers scared her, but why?

  “Your three o’clock is here.” I sighed because that meant my time with Sadie was coming to an end.

  "Okay. I'll be right out." I assured her and turned back towards Sadie who looked as if she was about to puke.

  "I have to see you again," I mumbled crossing the space that separated us. The image of her sucking my cock would forever be burned into my brain. Nothing she could say or do would make the ache I had for her go away.

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” She said shyly, pushing a few strands of hair back behind her ear. I tried to digest what she said, but it wasn’t happening. I had just tasted her, merely licked the outside, I had yet to fully taste her, to fully sink my teeth into her supple skin. Whether she thought this was a good idea or not didn’t matter to me. All that mattered was that I had her again, and again, until our time together was up and I would have to face the facts.

  "It's a good idea, believe me, Sadie…" I cupped her under the chin. "I'm a man of my word and I will settle the student loan debt that you have, hell I'll give you whatever the fuck you want as long as I can see you again." I wasn't above begging. I wanted her. Hell, I craved her, like a drug addict craved their next hit. I had watched her for months and longed from afar. I was done waiting. I was ready to claim her, and take what was mine.

  Her eyes averted from mine as she spoke, “I told you I don’t want anyone in the office knowing about this. I don’t want to be caught in here sucking your dick. I don’t want to be seen as the office whore, like all the others…” Her voice trailed off and with it I could hear a tinge of pain, of sadness.

  I lifted my palm and cupped her cheek in my hand, her skin was soft, like velvet and as I leaned into her body I inhaled her scent. God, how I wanted to tell Dawn to cancel all my meetings for the day so that I could feast on this beauty before me.

  “You’re better than them. Different than them. I’ve waited for you. Longed for months while I watched you flirt with Cole, Kyle, and who else fucking knows…” My lips were mere inches from hers. “I promise you that you’re different…” Unable to hold myself back a moment longer I lunged for her lips, my teeth nipping at them forcing her to open up to me.

  The second my tongue touched hers, my cock became as hard as steel. I gripped both of her cheeks in my hands and kissed the life back into her. I washed away all those horrible thoughts with that one single flick of my tongue. I made promises with that kiss I had never made to anyone else and when a deep moan fell from those ruby red lips of hers I knew I was about to come undone.

  With a shit ton of effort, I forced my hands from her face, and took a step back, forcing our lips apart. My eyes checked her face for any disbelief or shame. She would have to believe me for now until I could prove to her more that I was a man in desperate need of her touch.

  “I’ll be seeing you again. Very soon. Very very soon.” I reminded her, as I righted myself, and watched as she sashayed out of my office and back onto the floor. Running a hand through my hair I contemplated going back out there and getting her but decided against it. She wasn’t ready for all of this, but I would get her ready. I would claim her as mine, one way or another and as I slumped down into my office chair, my cock rose to attention.

  It was then I realized I would be hard all day because the only thing I really wanted to be doing was Sadie.

  Chapter Three

  I was stupid, so God damn stupid. I had fallen right into his lap and was feeding from his palm like one of his five other office girls. Granted the man was exceptional with his hands I had never been finger fucked like that before. To say I left his office breathless was an understatement still his promises lingered in the back of my mind all day long.

  “You mean to tell me you let him finger fuck you in his office, with all your co-workers just on the other side of the door?” Karen my best friend questioned. I should’ve known she would be all for me screwing my boss she was after all the more adventurous of the two of us.

  I sighed, “Yes Karen. Don’t remind me of what a poor choice I made.” I had failed to tell her of the agreement I made with him while I was in an orgasmic induced coma God knows if I told her about that I would never hear the end of it.

  "Sadie, this is good news. Actually, this is probably the best thing you have told me all year." I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

  “It’s really not that good of news. It’s not going to happen again.” Even if Cameron insisted repeatedly that it would.

  “I’ll believe that when pigs fly. I’ve seen the man on GQ Magazine. How could you not be okay with fucking his brains out?” Karen’s morals seemed to fly out the window every time a sexy man was involved which was basically all the damn time.

  "While it's pretty easy to not be okay with it when he's your boss and decides your fate with the company. I should just go in, and let him know I'm quitting now and save myself some face time." Then again the man would probably talk me out of my panties, and into another agreement, I didn't want to be in.

  “Fuck no. Don’t quit. Screw him. Then quit. I mean if you’re going to quit you might as well go all the way right?” Karen’s giggle resonated through the phone, and I knew if I was standing right next to her at this moment there would be an enormous smile on her face.

  “Karen. I have morals.” I reminded her, as I got a bottle of wine out and a glass from the kitchen.

  “Morals, smorals. Who cares? He offered you a good time, and you should take it. Sex is sex babe. It’s not like you’re making a commitment to him or doing anything you shouldn’t be.”

  “Yeah except screwing my boss Karen. Or maybe going against company policies by having sex with him.” I popped the cork on the bottle just in time. I needed a drink now more than ever at
least I could drown my bad decision in a glass of wine and forget about them for a short while. Or at least until I was forced to walk into work on Monday morning.

  “You’re literally screwed one way or another. If a man wants you bad enough that he calls you into his office and has his way with you then there is nothing that will hold him back from taking you however he wants too.”

  I leaned onto the center island in my kitchen, wondering what the hell it was that I was doing. Should I just quit my job now? Walk away from the trouble, and pain that would be caused from messing with a man like Cameron Jefferson?

  "I called you so you could cheer me up, and maybe talk some sense into me. Not inhibit me into making more bad choices." I was ready to beat my head against the marble countertop before me.

  Karen laughed into the phone, “You should’ve known that wasn’t going to happen. I’m all about choices that get us in jail remember that one time I thought it would be a good idea to take a baseball bat to Nate’s car for…”

  The sound of the doorbell, ringing rung throughout the house bouncing off the walls. My eyes darted to the microwave it was a little bit past nine on a Friday. I wasn't expecting company and the one person that would show up unannounced I was on the phone with.

  “Sadie, did you hear a damn thing I said?”

  “Uhh yeah… Can I let you go? Someone’s at the door.” I confided pressing the end key on my cell phone. I walked over to the front door, adjusting my t-shirt, and sweatpants. I switched on the outside light and caught a tiny glimpse of a man. Butterflies erupted in my belly and a nervous sweat formed against my palms.

  Grow some balls, Sadie.

  Shoving away the anxiety, and fear I grabbed the door handle and whipped the door open with much more effort than needed. My breath hitched in my chest and every single fiber in me said slam the door and go back to your glass of wine, because standing there directly in front of me, at my house, was Cameron. My boss. The man that had rocked my fucking world this afternoon, and the man that would be my downfall.

  “You seem surprised…” Cameron’s tone was playful, and the glint in his eyes proved it further.

  I grasped onto the side of the door, praying it would hold my body up. I was more than surprised, I was shocked, or better yet fucking flabbergasted.

  “Ummm…." I stumbled over my words. "I'm…." I looked at him and to the door contemplating if I was going to shove the door in his face and tell him to leave.

  "Cat got your tongue baby?" Cameron smirked, and my entire body lit on fire. My pussy clenched with desires I didn't even understand, and the man hadn't even touched me yet. He merely smiled and spoke like a condescending asshole.

  “I’m just a bit shocked right now, and kind of confused as to why you’re here because I know for a fact that you never showed up at any of the other woman’s houses that you’ve slept with…” The nervousness faded and in its place a new found strength grew, the strength to keep this man from getting any further down, my panties.

  My heart fluttered in my chest as the smirk on his face grew, a pair of pearly white teeth showing between his lips. “I wasn’t lying when I told you that you were different.” He took a step forward, his foot crossing the threshold. “I told you were better….” Then another until our chests were flush against one another’s. “That you were mine.”

  Did this man know anything about personal space? I could feel nothing but him, the hardness of his body against mine. The dips and planes of his body as he took in a deep breath of air.

  “I refuse to take no for an answer Sadie. Not when I’ve been watching you forever. Not when I’ve wanted you for months, but shoved off my desires for you by being with women of lesser value.” Cameron’s lip’s caressed my cheek his hot breath fanning against my cheek.

  “I….” What could I say to this man, that I hadn’t already? I had already agreed to one week of sex, no holds bars. I had already agreed to let him pay off my school debt. I had signed, sealed, and delivered when I told him yes, even if it was after one of the best orgasms of my life.

  “Just let me come in Sadie…” He purred in my ear, and I was afraid that he could hear the rapid beat of my heart with how close he was to my throat. My nails dug into the wood of the door as I weighed my options. My body was saying one thing, but my brain was saying another.

  Reluctantly I took a step back and gestured for him to come in. It should've bothered me that this man had been watching me for months but it didn't. Not when I too had been watching him for months. Not when I had been craving his touch, and being angry with jealousy watching all the other women sink their claws into the man I wanted.

  “This is such a quaint little house.” Cameron inquired as he took a look around the house. His eyes moved over every object in the room as if he was trying to see the story behind it.

  “How did you…” I was going to ask him how he found out where I lived when I realized just how stupid of a question that was. He was my boss if anyone knew where I lived it was him.

  He turned on his heels, his eyes meeting mine in a death stare. “I’m surprised myself that I came here. You see I was driving around the city, and all I could think about was you. The way your lips tasted, your smile, the soft blush that creeps onto your cheeks when you’re embarrassed, or the way your chest rises and falls with every breath you take.”

  God, why did his words have to turn me on so much? I could feel the wetness between my thighs growing. It was then that I noticed the distraught look of his clothing. It looked as if he had tried to rip his shirt and tie away at the seams. The chocolate brown hair I loved of his so much was a mess, with strands sticking up in every direction. The man literally looked like he had some type of mental breakdown.

  "I'm still not sure about all of this…" If he took another step towards me I wasn't sure I could say no. I couldn't withstand his touch or the way he made my body feel. I wanted him even if everything in me said that it was the wrong thing to do.

  Cameron ran his fingers through his hair and I could tell it was an action that he had done so often. I was mesmerized by his movement and wished so much that it was my hands that were combing through his hair.

  "You're, though… I know you're. You feel it deep in the pits of your stomach just like I do. I know you've watched me, craved me, wished it was your body I was touching instead of those other women.” Anger festered deep inside. I hated that he could read me like that, that he knew exactly what I would never have the balls to say out loud.

  “We can’t do this.” I finally confessed. A distraught look formed on Cameron’s face and confusion settled into his features. It became a little bit clearer as to why he had come all the way out here to the north side of the city but I still had no idea what he had up his sleeve.

  "I want you Sadie and I'm pretty sure I made it clear back in the office how much I wanted you. You own me. Don't ask me why, or how, but no matter what I do you're all I can think about. I've tried so fucking hard…" I could hear the pain in his words and it almost ripped me down the middle. Still, it didn't give either of us a right to be crossing lines we shouldn't be.

  My stomach tightened in knots. I wanted Cameron here with me, but I also wanted to do the right thing and that wasn't sleeping with my boss.

  “Cameron…” His name fell from my lips, but before I was able to finish the sentence he was on me. Like a man thirsty for love, like a man who had lost everything and gained it all back within a second.

  His lips ravaged mine, and there was nothing that could hold him back from taking what was rightfully his, though, strangely enough, I didn't want him to stop. It was a complete conundrum. I wanted him to kiss me, to explore my body and take me places I had never felt or seen before but I also wanted to push him away and tell him that what was happening between us was wrong.

  When his fingers slipped beneath my night shirt, I knew that I had lost the battle against my brain. That even if it was wrong for us to sleep together, that our bodies and he
arts felt something different. That sometimes the best things in life occurred because of a wrong choice.

  Chapter Four

  I wouldn't ever lie and say I hadn't been with a lot of women, that I hadn't been a player or playboy in my time because of course that would be lying and I said I wouldn't do that but when it came to Sadie, I saw one thing and one thing only. Her. It was always her, and there was no way I was going to let her tell me no when I knew she wanted the same pleasure I wanted.

  “Shit.” I cursed my fingers sliding along her smooth belly with ease. Every single movement I made was precise and her body melted into mine as if we were made for one another. My eyes drifted over her nightshirt and sleep pants. I could tell she was wasn’t wearing a bra, and would bet she probably didn’t have panties on either.

  “I want you, even if this is wrong.” She panted against my mouth. Her mousy brown hair was in a tight bun on top of her head. I let my hand creep higher until I found one of her hard nipples pressing against the fabric of her shirt.

  “It’s not wrong. It’s perfectly right. Perfectly fucking right.” I purred into her ear moving us to the couch directly behind her. We tripped over a few things but managed to land safely against the leather sofa my fingers still plucking at her nipple underneath her shirt.

  Her hands worked diligently on my trousers, and within seconds I was naked from the waist down my stiff cock, standing at attention.

  “Ahhh…” Sadie moaned and I swear I would move heaven and hell to hear that fucking sound fall from her lips again. With one hand still on her breast, I slipped into her sleep pant’s my fingers slipping through her folds with ease.

  “Your dripping wet for me. Soaked to the fucking bone baby…” I groaned. We had barely any clothing removed and I was already ready to take her on this fucking couch. I came undone the moment her soft hands found my hard cock, my entire body melting into a fucking puddle of mush.

  I shoved her sleep pant’s down, and nipped at her earlobe whispering into her ear, “Have you been thinking about me as much as I’ve been thinking about you today?” I questioned as she helped me remove her pants. Her chin moved up and down as a light blush formed against her cheeks.


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