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Teasing Daddy's Best Friend: A Daddy's Friend Romance Page 11

  Wait. I paused, stopping my train of thought.

  Maybe I wanted it to be negative?

  God. Jeremy must have been right, because I couldn't trust myself.

  There was a good part of me that wanted be carry the twins’ child and become a teenage mother.

  What the hell was wrong with me?

  Chapter Six


  You ever just want to go on a rampage?

  Break everything in sight? Throw stuff around. Scream at whoever is in earshot?

  Then you're sitting there weighing the pros and cons of going berserk and dealing with the fact that you try to be a decent human being.

  Which means you don't go around destroying other people's property and shouting at them incoherently.

  As such, I was seething. Pacing. Fists balled up and ready to explode, with no easy way to vent my frustrations.

  Logan? He wasn't much better. I was surprised he didn't give in to the rage.

  "Fuck, man," I let out. We were right in front of the apartment building. Our agenda was to spend some quality time with Tate, the carnality of that time dependent on Jeremy's presence. It really had gotten to the point that while I really, really liked fucking her, even just hanging out and watching a movie was a pretty good time.

  Because we'd probably go fuck later as soon as Jeremy passed out or was called into work. I was a patient man and there was no girl worth waiting for more than Tate.

  "You got any ideas?" Logan said, scratching his head. "‘Cause I'm all out."

  "We should have approached him calmly instead of sneaking around on him. Think of how fucking disrespectful we were. Fucking in every single room of his apartment."

  "Hey, we cleaned up after ourselves."

  "Still. We knew this would provoke him. We've spent the last month going nuts on his sister under his nose. It does makes us look suspect."

  Logan leaned against the wall, closing his eyes. "Yeah, I see your point. He's been sort of wary of us ever since he caught us tag teaming Tabitha half a year back."

  "Tate's not Tabitha. Not by any means." I didn't even want to think about those days anymore. After Tate, no one was going to compare. No one else would do.

  "What? We just sit around and wait for him to come to his senses?"

  "No," I said flatly. "That's not going to happen. Did you see what I saw, Logan?"

  "Hmm? What? Tate and Jeremy were arguing. He flipped out about something. I wasn't really sure why."

  "That why is what's really concerning me."

  "What, how did he find out about us? You think Tate ratted us out?"

  "No," I shook my head to emphasize my belief. "She was just afraid of his response as we were. He put the pieces together without her saying a word."

  "How'd he do that then? I doubt he's going to nanny-cam his eighteen-year-old sister, man."

  "There was a pregnancy test on the counter."

  It hit Logan like a bag of bricks. "Wait, do you think she's...?"

  "We haven't exactly been playing it safe."

  That was the other elephant in the room we never talked about, alongside Jeremy knowing about our relationship. How wantonly we engaged in raw, bareback lust. How both us always refused to pull out. How we wanted those extra few seconds inside of her, so serene that they made any risk worth it.

  "It's a test, though. That's not confirmation."

  "A woman gets signs. Unless they're deliberately trying, they're not just going to randomly buy a pregnancy test for no reason."

  "So, there's a good chance she's... We’re going to be..."

  "We're?" I laughed. "That's a way to put it."

  Logan scowled. "You going to be requesting a paternity test to make sure it's yours?"

  "Of course not. This is both our doing. Paternity is our burden together, brother. It doesn't matter whose sperm won the biological lottery, Tate is ours, and whoever child she carries is our child, too."

  My brother lingered for a moment, his eyes closed, his thoughts coming together so quickly and completely.

  Then he bolted right past me into the building.

  "Wait," I called out. "What are you doing?"

  He stopped just to shoot me a glare. "Tate was more than just a fucktoy for us already, Joel. If she's going to be the mother to our children, then I'm seeing her, and I don't give a single fuck what Jeremy says. She's coming with us if she has to. I'm not going to let her be financially held captive."

  I blinked a moment, and then smiled. He had a damn good point.

  So I darted past him, rushing the elevator.

  "Let's go get our woman, Logan."

  He just smiled in return, following me on my way.

  Chapter Seven


  I sighed, tossing the test in the trash can. I didn't want to think of it right now.

  Did I text them? Jeremy didn't cut me off from the internet, and there weren’t any easy ways he could police me sending them e-mails or whatever.

  Unless my brother was also a master-class hacker on top of a finance wizard. Unlikely.

  Texting wouldn't fill any voids anyway. I'd grown closer to them over the past few weeks. They were the highlights of my life, the way they would verbally spar with one another and then direct the blows to me, as if training me to become a quip warrior right alongside them. We watched movies, played games.

  Then we fucked like animals. Relentlessly.

  Then back to those less carnal things.

  Then more fucking.

  I had to say, the last few weeks had been the best ones of my life. That's what love was, I guess. Where you want to be with someone, and every moment without them is some sort of massive, arduous challenge you don't know if you'll be able to survive.

  With nothing better to do, I laid on my bed. Staring at the ceiling. Hating my life. There was no reasoning with Jeremy right now. He got in these moods sometimes, and you just couldn’t really do anything about it.

  Just wait and hope that the crazy would eventually go away.

  Somehow, though, with this, I was sure I was going to waiting a long, long time.

  It didn't help that I was already missing the twins hardcore. They turned me from virgin to slut with great efficiency.

  Part of me wanted to do the run away from home thing. If he was going to treat me like a child then I was going to act like a child.

  I wasn't going to have to make that decision.


  It wasn't my brother calling for me.

  It was Joel.

  "I told you never to come back here!"

  That was my brother.

  I shot up, knowing a conflict was on the horizon.

  Running out, I saw the two of them standing there, Across from them was Jeremy, who was definitely ready to start another fist fight and at an extreme disadvantage.

  "Get out before I call the cops," he was quick to threaten. Again, my brother wasn't dumb. He knew he couldn't overpower one of them, let alone both of them.

  "No can do, friendo," Logan said, pushing past him. Jeremy tried to stop him, but Joel swooped in and pushed Jeremy away.

  Logan rushed me and swept me up into his arms, taking me off my feet and quickly laying a sweet kiss on me. It was just as luscious as the first time.

  He then, to my surprise, started carrying me off.

  "Where are you taking her?" Jeremy yelled out.

  "Stop being so melodramatic," Joel said.

  "This is the mother of our children," Logan began, "the woman who will make our lust into a family. I love you like a brother, Jeremy, but if you're going to deny me this, I don't know what to say."

  Anger continued to boil inside of Jeremy. I was almost afraid he was going to do something nasty, but nonetheless, he stepped back. "If this is what you want, Tate, you go live with them. You let them take care of you. You can't expect me to do all this for you and keep doing it when you spit in my face."

  I elbowed Logan, dropping down. "I'm my own wom
an, brother. I just want you to see that. I'm thankful for everything, but you can't force me to choose between family...and...well, family."

  With that, I made my way to the door. Either he would calm down or I would come back for my stuff later. At this point, I couldn't have cared less.

  "Come on, boys."

  Logan and Joel shared a glance between one another, nodding their way.

  "Tate..." Jeremy muttered as I left. He was trying to say something. I tried to give him time.

  He would need more time. I sort of believed that cliché line about it healing all wounds.

  This wound would be no different.


  Apparently, tonight was meant to be a quickie night, for lack of a better term, even if things with them were never really quick.

  They had duty tonight. Which meant mostly sitting around the firehouse and doing nothing in particular until something caught on fire. If the universe was just, they'd spend the whole night doing nothing, but given there were thousands of people in the city, likely one would need help eventually.

  "It's so quiet here," I said as we walked in. The place was mostly dark, a few lights here and there. It was the early evening, so it wasn't exactly the twilight shift yet.

  "Yeah, most of the folks here sleep through their shifts," Joel went on. "Do some power naps and whatever. Getting sleep where you can. Only the dead can sleep through that bell going off."

  "And Tom," Logan added in.

  "Tom will wake up to it. Dude's nearly deaf, but that thing going off and someone yanking him off the bed will get him moving."

  I continued my way through. Giant fire trucks, complete with lots of complicated equipment. I would have thought it was the absolute coolest thing in the entire world if I was five.

  Now? I was far more interested in the firefighters.

  We waked toward a back room, out of sight of the main garage area of the firehouse. It seemed to function as an old storage room, but there was something peculiar jutting up from the ground. I grabbed the brass and stroked it playfully. "Wow, you actually have the pole."

  "Why are you so surprised?" Joel came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

  "I thought it was an old cartoon thing, and it was something that hasn't actually been used in decades."

  Joel just laughed. "It hasn't. It's pretty much there as a relic. Most poles have been retired for safety reasons. People just rush down the stairs now. Somehow, that has less injuries."

  I hopped up on it, spinning a bit.

  "Although," Logan smiled, walking up behind us, "you could definitely put it to some good use. There's another profession known for wrapping their bodies around poles you know."

  "Um...uhh... " I was looking for a clever answer that wasn't the answer.

  "Why don't you put it to good use, Tate? Show us if you're a natural."

  "Here? In the firehouse?"

  "Everyone else is sleeping or distracted. No one's going to come down unless something's on fire."

  I swallowed.

  They were bad influences. The worst influences.

  Yet I was still going along with them.

  I was hardly dressed like a stripper. A T-shirt and jeans, I wasn't exactly sex on two legs by the traditional sense, even if the boys would have readily called me as such.

  "All right then. I'll do it for you," I said, putting a goofy emphasis on the last syllable as if I was trying to seduce them with it.

  I grabbed the pole and spun around it, realizing I wasn't entirely sure on what I was doing. I wasn't going to pull off any exotic maneuvers like hanging upside down or anything like that. All I had was just me and me trying to be sexy.

  So I shot the two of them a glare as they pulled up chairs right next to the poll. I did a little dance, a little shimmy. I shook my ass, spinning around the pole, making sure they got a good look at it.

  "Oh yeah, that's a nice ass all right. Maybe I should fuck it," Logan said, grinning.

  I shot him a look of concern. We hadn't crossed that line yet. It was as if they were so driven in knocking me up that exploring other avenues didn't come up. After all, as funny as butt babies were to think about, they weren't actually a thing.

  My focus returned to my dance, showing them my assets, teasing and showing them more, even if they already definitely knew what I was hiding underneath.

  With more stupid posing, I wiggled my T-shirt off, flinging it at Joel, who gladly caught it.

  Not wearing a sports bra, my breasts jiggled as I continued my routine. More bouncing. More spinning. I gave them a good, solid view of some overboob, just enough to tease seeing a nipple, because that's apparently what really mattered.

  More gyrating, sliding my jeans off for them. Their eyes never left me. Going up and down my body, they really did make me feel incredibly sexy, and I was still surprised that I had managed to engross one of them, let alone both of them.

  Down to my underwear, I was feeling a bit anxious since I technically was in a public place. Sure, people didn't walk into their local firehouse for day-to-day business, but the doors weren't exactly locked either.

  I rubbed the pole a bit, shooting them sinful glares. Was I supposed to treat the pole like it was some sort of big, metal dick? Was its phallic nature intentional?

  I shook my head, laughing at the irrelevancy of my thought. Unhooking my bra. More teasing.

  Joel and Logan never stopped watching me. They always gave me what I wanted, so I was going to give them what they wanted right back. Dropping the bra, I squeezed my breasts, wincing a bit from my touch.

  God, was I already getting tender? I knew my body was going to start freaking out over things, but was it going to happen so quickly?

  I wasn't showing yet, but if I was already feeling like that, I knew that it wouldn't be long until I was a bit rounder.

  For now, though, I was their sexy little girl next door. I wondered if they would still think me sexy even after a few months had passed.

  I offered them my breasts, heaving them outward. "You like what you see, boys?

  What I expected? A playful, affirmative answer.

  Yet they were always the type to go further than I expected.

  They took a breast each, kissing me, latching on with a little suckle.

  Blissful lightning shot through me. I was caught off guard and had to let out a little bit of a moan.

  They definitely liked what they saw, though, freeing me to continue.

  "Come on, Tate. Show us the rest of you," Logan said, a massive, cocky smile on his face.

  All I had left were panties. Blushing, I shimmied them down my legs, slapping my ass as I did so, giving them the full view of my rear for them to enjoy. I wanted to tempt them. I wanted to make it so I was irresistible.

  I didn't have to try very hard. As soon as my panties had hit the floor, Logan was standing tall behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. There was a bulge in his pants, pressed against my ass already.

  "Yeah, I can't hold back anymore. You dancing was enticing and amusing, Tate, but I gotta fuck you now."


  "Hey, we're free to do whatever we want when waiting for a call," Joel said, coming to the other side of me. "What we want to do right now is fuck the ever-loving shit out of you, Tate."

  To drive that point home, a kiss swiftly followed. Deep, sensual, Joel made it loud and clear that he wanted to enjoy me to the fullest, and looking but not touching wasn't going to be enough.

  I would think they would be on edge, want to be rested for when trouble came, but I guess that's when you know you've found the one. Someone who makes you do irrational, arguably stupid things just to be with them.

  Unprotected sex. Spiting your own brother. Fucking while on-call in a firehouse. They're all the same, really, if you think about it.

  I had to break away from Joel's kiss with a sudden gasp, Logan not cool with being ignored. He ran his hands down my hips and between my legs and found that oh-s
o-sensitive nub of mine, and immediately set out on using it against me. God, why was he so good at that?

  Joel wasn't going to be ignored either, his hands caressing my hair, my neck, my back, his body pressing against my breasts. For a brief moment, I felt his shirt against my nipples, but he wasted no time tossing that off, too, it becoming flesh on flesh.

  Logan wasn't outdone either. Soon, I was completely surrounded by two super-ripped and toned studs, hands all over, salivating over the thoughts of doing dirty, sinful things to me.

  I thought I was in for another fun round of them playing with me. Eating me out. Fingering me. Then another hearty game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who got to fuck me first. I would have been fine with that, a blissful burst of delights coming right at me.

  Tonight was going to be different. I knew that from the moment Logan slid his finger down and touched my little pucker. A gasp escaped my lips. They really hadn't touched that part of me. Sure, there was the comment earlier, and there'd been some here and there before, but all in all, it'd been totally exit only for me. It was another virginity I had.

  One that I suddenly had suspicion that I would be losing soon.

  He tickled me down there. Circled that tight hole. Teasing it. Pushing it.

  All while Joel came at me from the other direction. Thrusting his fingers deep within me, they were now coming at me from both sides, pushing me, teasing me. I was curious to where this was going, but afraid all the same.

  Joel pushed me into the wall, his brother breaking away. Pinning me down, kissing me, feeling my body, showing his absolute need for me as he got lower and lower. Spreading my legs, he hoisted me up, kissing me on the clit, giving me a preview of what was coming. His tongue thrusting inside me, bliss shooting through.

  Logan watched as I was eaten out and started to strip down. I would never get tired of seeing that toned chest, those thick, strong legs of his. His cock jutting out, throbbing so damned hard for me. For now, though, he was satisfied with watching Joel force me to squirm as he ate my pussy.

  I cried out as he did so. Damn, why was he so good at this? Those delicate suckles. The fingering. The tongue-fucking. Everything he did drove me a bit battier, made me yearn for more of him. More Joel. More Logan.